Cruciforum, then.

Cruciforum - a really (really) simple forum, written in PHP.
The goals are pretty explicit:-

A Cruciforum forum is lightweight, doesn’t require a database, and can be set up on your server in about two clicks of a mouse. It’s the easy way to give people somewhere to chat about your project without installing something heavy and complex like PHPBB; just put the cruciforum install file in an empty folder and go to it in your web browser, and that’s all you need to do. Whenever I see a small project’s website I find myself wishing there was somewhere I could talk to people about it, and that’s what this makes easy.

I played with it. I'm impressed. I already started hacking on it a little, fucking about the colours and markup.
So, one thing it could use, is some kind of spam filter thing, and some basic registration system - enter your email address, a password and a given name, maybe. Make the email address optional, even.
But, honestly.. it doesn't really need much more. In fact, it's beautifully simple.
Simplicity really is at the heart of it. The installation makes Wordpress look difficult, which is pretty amazing.

  1. Upload the file to your webspace, in a folder, say 'forum'
  2. Ensure the folder can be written by the web server
  3. Visit the php file in your browser, pick a name for your forum, and you're done.

No databases. No bullshit. And it renders static files, so it's FAST. Like, really fast.
So, some things I'd like...

Go and download Cruciforum now. X11/MIT license.
The boy Langridge done good here.

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.